“You don’t quite understand how this works, do you?” The demon said after a moment, using his hands to feel his new physical form, flicking a nipple playfully to tease his keepers. “I won’t be listening to you. I won’t be doing anything you request without proper payment for my services…”
With the sigils in place, the magicians stepped backward and away from the circle. Even without being activated, the men could already feel all the energy in the room gravitating towards the center, the occasional crack of magic sparking across the dark wooden floors. Breaths turned cold as the men began the next phase of the ceremony, the candles surrounding the border of the circle leaping into life and flickering ominously.
The words were ancient and unknowable, from a tome recovered only a few months ago- sourced from a mysterious benefactor and gifted to the Brotherhood. Regardless of the risk, the magicians carried on with their spellwork, bending the energy around the room while the circle began to glow. The Brotherhood of Magicians sought magic, all types of magic, and twisted it to their uses- they saw themselves as the key to the new world order, stealing any power they could find at any cost.
The spell continued to crack and spark as the chanting and scripture continued, nearly deafening as the room energized and hummed with energy. Soon the words were finished, and where there was once a mass of sigils, offerings, and blood- a figure stood in its place. Bound by the circle it looked on at the magicians with a curious, malicious look – Waiting for which one would dare speak first.
“…You will work with us, demon.” One of them croaked at last, placing down his copy of the tome and walking closer to the border of the circle. “We have called upon you for work with the Brotherhood, to bring a new age of man.”
The demon chuckled… His voice was velvety, smooth, and threatening. He continued to look on without a trace of concern or submission, the magicians feeling on edge as the energy around them shifted and waned again. The creature’s curved and round form looked to represent lust as well as gluttony, his eyes gleaming a brilliant crimson as he listened and eyed the magician up and down. His bemused expression made it clear he had heard all of this before.
“You don’t quite understand how this works, do you?” The demon said after a moment, using his hands to feel his new physical form, flicking a nipple playfully to tease his keepers. “I won’t be listening to you. I won’t be doing anything you request without proper payment for my services…” The magicians stood quiet, tense as they wanted to hear exactly what this payment might be.
“…Oh, you aren’t even going to ask? Humans. It’s been only a thousand years and you’ve forgotten many manners. A shame. You used to be such fun, polite little things.” The Demon beckoned a finger, the three magicians in the room lifting off the floor and skidding even closer to the circle. “You’ll learn my name, and will work for me. Once you’ve made payment.” The demon cooed, going on his knees and playing with his cock.
The magicians could not look away from the demon as he worked his thick uncut shaft, moaning with each pump. Precum drizzled from his head and coated his fingers as his rhythm increased, stopping short and moving further up. His hands gently moved in slow and steady motions, circling his belly and shaking it, lingering for a moment before grabbing at his pecs, and squeezing his nipples between his fingers, making his cock pulse. His moans were careful and almost strategic, drawing the helpless magicians even closer. Letting go of his nipples, he moved upwards still, trailing around the base of his neck and continuing, sticking his fingers deep into his mouth and lapping up his pre. With their attention so close, he sprung his trap – and looked at each one directly in the eyes.
Once they made eye contact, it was over – they belonged to him now, and all that was left to seal the deal. The demon chuckled as he could feel the circle containing him weaken with the resolve of the men. “Now, since I have your attention – Show Daddy how much you love me.”
The men removed their robes without saying a word, groping their already hard cocks and pumping themselves in front of the Demon, moaning and grunting as whatever determination they had left was washed away by pure lust. The demon held out his forked tongue expectantly, flicking it in the air, supernaturally caressing the head of their cocks all at once.
“Tsk, tsk… Such a lack of stamina. We’ll need to work on that. Don’t you know the best things in this world require you to savor them first?”
The magicians moaned again in blind agreement, legs tensing as they continued to masturbate, sweat dripping into the floor as their master patiently waited for seed.
“Since this is your first time let’s keep it easy. Shoot your fucking load. Now.” The demon’s voice was commanding, whispering directly in the ears of his subjects as they shuddered and screamed in response again, their pumps getting faster and faster. The Demon smiled and moaned as he felt the thick ropes of cum erupt from the first magician, the other two not far behind as he was soon coated completely.
“That’s it. That’s it. Excellent…” The creature pumped his own cock, with a free hand cupping up the cum collected on himself and shoveling it into his mouth, moaning in ecstasy with enough energy to make the room shake. Soon enough he shot his load, thick and hot seed joining the others as the circle that contained him was finally broken.
“Well done, Humans.” He said happily, being able to leave his confines and explore this world at last.
“Now, take me to the rest of this… Brotherhood you spoke of. I’m ready for what do you call it…? Dessert?” He chuckled, shaking his head. This was just too easy.