The building was in possibly the worst location Lysander thought possible. Trudging past a long, narrow, and questionable alleyway, past a mound of garbage, and just before the very edges of the city where the undead and god knows what else roamed. The adventurer sighed, narrowly avoiding a chamber pot being dumped into the streets as he made his way to the door.
Magic wasn’t particularly interesting to Lysander. It was something conventional, commonplace, and usually ended up causing more harm than good. However… Sometimes a man has needs, and when horny enough, finds himself taking desperate measures. A wandering magician studying in a nearby region introduced the place to him (Even had a business card! Although it eventually stopped lighting up.) His annoying cadence still rang in his ears:
“Have I got the place for you, Adventurer! Inside the walled city, there is a palace for physical pleasures, run by the most competent spell workers! …At a good price!”
The thought wasn’t particularly appealing, but with nowhere else to go, and a coupon to get a lay cheaper than a nearby whorehouse, why not? The door opened surprisingly easily, a bell deep inside the building ringing out as the attendants hurriedly arrived at the front desk. Despite looking like a dilapidated Inn on the outside, the interior was plush, with small orbs of light magically cast keeping everything at an even illumination. The attendants were attractive, one male, and the other female, wearing hardly anything.
“Welcome!” They both said at once, with an identical tone and cadence. Lysander jumped in place, holding back a yelp. On closer inspection, he noticed something was… wrong about them. Something was lacking in the eyes, and they seemed to stare straight past Lysander instead of at him. The duo repeated the greeting, shifting oddly in place as if stuck in a loop. The adventurer looked at them in silence, not sure how to continue.
“…Damn things, nevermind! Go back to your alcoves! I’ll have to re-work on your conversational sigils. Maybe I missed a syntax somewhere…” The voice of a significantly older man boomed into the room, emerging past a curtain and shooing the creatures away. “You must excuse me. I thought having the… cuter staff up front would be more appealing.” The man was aged, with a long flowing beard adorned with various trinkets and gold medallions tied to unknowable spell work. His robes looked nice enough, Lysander understanding immediately that this was the actual owner of the establishment, and not whatever… those things where he saw a moment ago.
“What were those things, exactly?” Lysander said after a moment, respectfully removing his hat. “I was provided a card about this est-“
“Yes, yes I know all about that – Simple tracing magic told me you’d be here. That’s why I had the golems out and ready for you. Or at least I thought I did. Damn things can’t carry a conversation.” The wizard said with obvious displeasure, fluffing a few pillows as he circled the lobby.
“A- uh.” The adventurer said stupidly, looking over the Wizard to find some sort of additional context.
“Ah. Well, I suppose that’s the appeal of this place! It’s employed by Golems I’ve created. N-now made of clay, mind you! Just clay! Nothing with… cursed flesh or god knows what else. Just simple clay and remarkable magic.” The wizard finished his statement with a small flourish, temporarily producing sparkles before fading away again. The pillows in his immediate vicinity looked very fluffed.
“15 Silver. Also covers cleanup.”
“Fine.” Lysander said, fishing the coins from his pocket and dispensing them. The wizard gave a small cackle, hopping back over the counter and disappearing into the back room. “You’ve made a fine choice! Take the door to your right. The Golem with automagically transform into a form you find most desirable! Have fun!” the voice said, trailing further and further away until it was gone. The adventurer sighed, shaking his head and opening the door.
The room was large and just as plush as the lobby, Lysander wondering to himself if this was the only room they had, or if there were multiple versions of it elsewhere. There was a simple iron frame bed, nightstand, and a chair in the corner- already dressed with a small bottle of what must be lubricant, towels, and cups of water. Lysanders equipment and gear soon found itself thrown in a corner, the adventurer taking advantage of a provided robe and laid on the bed expectantly, hands behind his head. With a chuckle, he wondered what sort of woman would manifest – maybe a redhead? A girl with a quiet personality who would let him just lay there and relax…
Lysander blinked as his thoughts were interrupted – with a polite click, the door to the room opened, with a tall and bulky figure taking up the entryway. He shuts the door behind him, having the same vacant expression as the golems who greeted before. He must be the same.
But… This couldn’t be right. Lysander could feel himself shrinking in the bed in embarrassment as his eyes adjusted. The Golem in ahead of him was large and imposing, almost looking like an adventurer himself, covered in various pieces of leather straps, not leaving much to the imagination. He was undoubtedly male, bearded, and covered in body hair and muscles padded with a healthy layer of fat. After a moment he walked forward, his eyes trained on the adventurer terrified in bed.
“W-Wait! He-hey! Hello! I think there was a mistake – I- Uh, this isn’t-“
Lysanders’ voice sounded a few octaves higher, feeling his face turn a deep red as the Golem continued to walk, soon enough making his way to the corner of the bed and climbing it.
“I- Oh wow, I, uh, I’m into women! This m-must be a mistake!”
The adventurer’s voice sounded less and less confident, and before he could say anything else, the Golem was on top of him, just inches away from his face. Despite knowing this was a creature made of clay and some magic enchantments, he could smell the musk coming off from him and the intoxicating scent of sweat from a long day of fighting…
“Listen, h-hello?! I’m not g-“
Lysander’s moan interrupted his lies, his entire body going into a shudder as the Golem started to work, ripping open the adventurer’s robes and cupping his pecs, rolling his nipples around his fingers. The erection Lysander had been so badly hiding sprung from between his legs, pulsing painfully at the attention his body was receiving. The Golem bent down and began to work his mouth at one of Lysander’s nipples, lapping and rhythmically prodding at its tip and making his previous screams reduce to submissive whimpers. He couldn’t hide how he felt, how being an adventurer let him see all sorts of attractive men in barely anything at all… sweaty and fighting, fucking one another secretly during jobs late at night in the woods. He’d never admit it at loud, but that was why he did this – the money was just the added perk of it all. Almost as if he was able to sense this, the Golem switched to the other side and moved a hand downwards to cup Lysander’s balls, his rhythm and pressure getting more intense.
The man screamed out again in another whine, his shudders making the bedframe rattle against the wall as his partner continued without any reaction. His grip was tight, and the pulsing motions of his hands expertly timed as he continued to work his neglected nipple, waiting to see how far he could push this human.
“Augh… nhhhnn… fuck… fuck…” Was all the man could moan, every muscle in his body contracting and expanding at every methodical touch. After what felt like hours he could feel his balls released, gasping for breath at the break from sensation as the Golem adjusted, placed lubricant on his palms, and landed one hand firmly on his client’s cock and the other at the entrance to his hole.
Lysander gasped again as he felt himself being probed without much warning, opening his legs instinctually and allowing better access. With each penetration his cock was pumped perfectly in response, the Golem’s thumb rubbing against his head and making his member pitifully leak precum into the hands of his new master. The adventurer shuddered again, not able to hold back his moans and submissive whimpers as he pushed himself into the Golems fingers, rolling his head back as his legs and arms tensed, trying to pathetically hold back his orgasm. To try to savor this fantasy for as long as he could. Trying, hoping to take the cock of this strong adventurer just like he had seen so many times in the woods, the grunts of the men as he jerked off just outside of view, in the bushes, too afraid to join them.
“Hnng… Ah… ah…Aw fuck, fuck pl-please… please…- AUGH!”
Despite wanting more, Lysander shot his load onto the patient face and chest of the Golem, stopping his pumps and removing himself with the same professional and detached demeanor. The adventurer gasped, catching his breath, and before he realized it, the Golem was gone. Including most of the cum that had landed on him.
“… Well. That’s a new one. Didn’t think my magic could unearth something like THAT. Feel free to spend the night… for a few copper pieces I’ll let you cuddle with it.” The magician said over a distant magical loudspeaker. Lysander could feel his face turn a beet red, and yet again reached back for his pants to find some extra change.